Obi Dennis Perry-Thompson
What is it like to live with a mini Australian Shepard?
As you can imagine, Australian Shephards are full of energy. Not only are they full of energy, but Obi is about to turn two years old! Our other doggos are what we consider older pups, with the youngest, Pip, being 7 years old. Obi LOVES to play but these older pups don't really have the desire to play with him for very long. So he turns his attention to the humans. He is a very skittish dog around newcomers and will run and hide. First off, he will bark his head off until the person is in the house and then he will run! When it is just our family, he is the sweetest boy. He loves to jump around on you and is very vocal. If you aren't careful, he can even be known to nip at your heels like he's herding you!
His long fur sheds constantly. To offset that, he should be brushed regularly. All around our house, his fur can be found. When we are at school or work, we can look down and see pieces of his fur sticking to our clothing! He brings so much happiness and energy to our household. He is such a sweet, crazy boy!